Audi Speed Camera PersonalPOI

Free-speed-cam-updates profide a free and accurate database update for GPS RNS510 / RNS-510. These files works with at least these GPS or cars from the Audi car using RNS510 GPS.

Coverage :

Belgium: 1904 POIs, Switzerland: 638 POIs, Germany: 3844 POIs, Spain: 1510 POIs, France: 3516 POIs, Great Britain: 5234 POIs, Italy: 4185 POIs, Luxembourg: 20 POIs, Portugal : 667 POIs, Sweden: 1056 POIs.

These files are being updated on a monthly basis.

To download the safety camera database for RNS510 on the download page and select Speed Camera for Volkswagen (compiled). 

Installation :

Go into the vehicle of the VW group containing in slot SD 1 the original Volkswagen card and put into slot SD2 the card containing the zip you have just downloaded.

  • Switch on the car, switch to NAVIGATION mode and do:
  • Navigation / Settings / version information / Update
  • Or Navigation / Settings / memory management / update POIs (SD card)
  • The update by adding POIs is done without problems.

In order to display the POIs on the map (max. 10 at a time), you must activate them in Settings / Map / Show POIs (special destinations) / and select them one by one (max. At the top of the selective screen.

You can then see the POIs icons appear on a distant view of the map (modify the scale button …).
Personal POIs can be deleted using the Settings / Memory Management / Delete User Data / Personal POIs button.

Attention, all new POIs collection added with this method will DELETE all the old POIs !!!

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