Volkswagen Speed camera download

Free-speed-cam-updates profide a free and accurate database update for GPS RNS510 / RNS-510. These files works with at least these GPS or cars from the Volkswagen group :

  • Discover media,
  • Skoda Amundsen MIB 2,
  • Seat Media System,
  • Discover-Pro 2,
  • Columbus 2

Coverage :

Belgium: 1904 POIs, Switzerland: 638 POIs, Germany: 3844 POIs, Spain: 1510 POIs, France: 3516 POIs, Great Britain: 5234 POIs, Italy: 4185 POIs, Luxembourg: 20 POIs, Portugal : 667 POIs, Sweden: 1056 POIs.

These files are being updated on a monthly basis.

To download the safety camera database for RNS510 on the download page and select Speed Camera for Volkswagen (compiled). 

Installation :

Go into the vehicle of the VW group containing in slot SD 1 the original Volkswagen card and put into slot SD2 the card containing the zip you have just downloaded.

  • Switch on the car, switch to NAVIGATION mode and do:
  • Navigation / Settings / version information / Update
  • Or Navigation / Settings / memory management / update POIs (SD card)
  • The update by adding POIs is done without problems.

In order to display the POIs on the map (max. 10 at a time), you must activate them in Settings / Map / Show POIs (special destinations) / and select them one by one (max. At the top of the selective screen.

You can then see the POIs icons appear on a distant view of the map (modify the scale button …).
Personal POIs can be deleted using the Settings / Memory Management / Delete User Data / Personal POIs button.

Attention, all new POIs collection added with this method will DELETE all the old POIs !!!

5 thoughts on “Volkswagen Speed camera download

  1. dave jackson

    thank you for your updates.
    I do find though after a shortwhile they no longer work, if i update again its all fine, is there something built in to make them stop working? Its noticeable of course when it just stops beeping, but its hard to say how long after the update they last.
    I have a vw golf, so i am downloading the compiled one
    I do notice all the dates are years old, including when you update i half recall its saying 2016?
    If i update the dates to a more recent one would that help?
    Has anyone else commented on this before?

  2. Nigel

    Just looking at Speed Camera for Volkswagen (compiled) 3.33M – update 02/10/2023
    and the dates inside the zip are 2016 ? Looked at some of the other downloads and the dates corrispond with the update dates. Are the VW complled dated correct?

    1. admin Post author

      Hello Nigel,

      Yes only the needed files are update config files does not need to be updated with new data so remain the same


  3. Chris Fox

    Thank you for providing speed camera updates.

    I have installed the latest VW Compiled file, deleted the old personal POIs and installed it.
    New POIs selected on the car infotainment system. Camera locations are displayed.
    However, so far I am not getting alert beeps for any speed cameras.

    For my previous install, I often did not get beeps on a regular outward journey of around five miles but did receive them from the same cameras on the way home! I wondered if this was due to my car battery but VW has tested it and it is OK.

    Any suggestions please?




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